
Warped humor and twisted time along with birds

Location: Nova Scotia, Canada

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


The sun came out for the first time in a week! It's been rainy and miserable for so long that I feel like I'm starting to mildew.It is remarkable that the weather has been the no. 1 topic of the news for the last 2 years-hurricanes,floods,earthquakes,tsunamis,volcanos and just about any other kind of geologic and weather disaster that can happen.Do you suppose that world governments just might start to put 2+2 together and notice that we are finally seeing what we have done to our planet? Not bloody likely!!-
Money and convenience will always win over common sense.
The recent outbreaks of avian flu are causing a tremendous amount of fear within the bird owner community.Can the powers that be really storm in and confiscate our beloved pet birds? These are creatures that NEVER get outside the house and never have contact with wild birds. For most of us, it is as distressing as losing a family member(sometimes more so).Common sense would tell us that there are exceptions to every situation.I guess time will tell .
Let's hope and pray that a vaccine will be found that is 100% effective. God help us all if not.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Today we are waiting for Wilma to sweep by us.Fortunately,we will only get a taste of what the Carribbean and Florida have been hit with.Unfortunately,the kitchen roof still leaks!
All of the birds are being very quiet today.They seem to be very aware of the weather.I noticed last year when we were hit by hurricane Juan, that they were very quiet and still while it was building up then once it started to blow ,all was well.Our attitudes seem to affect how they react to the situation.Fear begets fear,so we must stay calm.
Trying to quit smoking is possibly the hardest thing that I have ever tried to do.It is essential that we clean up the air for ourselves but more so for the birds.As careful as we try to be,they still get some second hand smoke and we feel that is totally unfair to them.Large air cleaners aside it is still there.The only thing that works for me is to have NO access to tobacco.No tobacco can't smoke.
It seems strange that government spends tons of money on stop smoking programs but we still have tobacco all over the place.Yet many things much less harmful are illegal. Liquor,the single biggest addictive drug is acceptable but an innocuous weed will put you in jail!! Bogus.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Birdbrain: Going to the vet

Birdbrain: Going to the vet


Although there is no sun today.Rain,wind and cold.
Mr.Cheeseball forgave me right away(one bite)for getting his beak trimmed.This time the vet did a bang-up job.No pain no blood so cheesie was finewith the trim. For a 35+yr. old bird he is in excellent health and looks great.
Got a flu.shot the other day and I still feel a little under the weather.The shot gives me a taste of the flu for 2 or 3 days but I don't get the real thingso it's worth it.
It is time to put my motorcycle away for the winter.Not so hard this year because I haven't ridden it this year. Actually I've been trying to sell it and no action.At least none with money!If you're selling it is solid gold,if you are buying-pure lead.Oh well,next year it will be 31 years old and maybe the collecters will want it.
Time to go look at the leaky kitchen roof.Depressing as hell when you think that I just put 4 gallons of tar on to fix the leaks. When it leaks I can't fix it,when the sun shines it's as good as any man's roof.(Pa Kettle)

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Going to the vet

Today,I have to take Cheeseball to the vet to have his beak trimmed.I hate having to do it ,but it would be easy for him to break it by accident.He always has a hard time forgiving me ,but he does(eventually). Having to take any pet to the vet is a bit traumatic but birds are so different.
They are much more fragile than most pets and require special handling.There isn't a real avian vet locally,but we found one who has some experience and is willing to listen and learn. A rare trait with most people.
The picture is Tweety,a 12 year old budgie.Tweety came to live here when his people got 2 large birds,and couldn't keep Tweet out of their cages.He is so tiny he fits between the bars of the large cages so he was in great danger.He is just not afraid of anything.A very busy little guy with quite a vocabulary but hard to understand because of the tiny,high pitched voice.
Once again it's winterizing time for the house--OH,JOY

Friday, October 14, 2005


Why is it that there are some people who make it impossible to maintain any level of sympathy for them?They will whine and moan about what is usually a real problem but refuse to take any steps to change the situation. For example,a friend with a bad back that refuses to see a Dr.because of a perceived wrong done by a physician 25 years ago. This is a really serious back problem that requires prompt attention but complaining seems to be as far as he will go to treat it.
Damned counter-productive if you ask me!
I just saw a short article abot prison conditions and just about lost it.They have t.v. in their cells,stereo's and just about anything they want---EXCUSE ME!! I thought prison by definition was a Punishment, not a holiday at the spa.If the administrators try to take away these priveliges,the cries of human rights violations rears it's ugly head.Well didn't they violate OUR rights when they committed their crimes?
It is about time the justice system started to make these people pay for there crimes,insted of catering to them.

Saturday, October 08, 2005


and it is still raining.
Sitting on the front porch watching the rain and listening as it washes down through the trees.It is easy to forget that we are into October.Lots of color in the trees,fall flowers on the roadsides and lots of small animals having a deep sleep in the middle of the road.
Why do some people find it necessary to go out of their way to hit them? Many do run out and get hit,but a porcupine doesn't RUN anywhere.It only seems fair that they sometimes get a skunk!!
Meet Peppi and Spike. They are normal grey cockatiels and live together.Peppi lived with an old man who loved him dearly but passed away.He was rescued by a friend and came to us.Spike was found by the same person outside her house on a power line and coaxed down. she saved his life.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Tuesday Morning

It's raining.It's cold.
Over the last 4 days the leaves have started a very rapid change.Lots of yellows and oranges.The bright reds are starting now because the nights are very cool.
This time of year is the most beautiful but also the hardest-WINTER-I even hate the sound of the word!Cold,colder and Oh my God!
I just got a load of firewood for the furnace so along with electric heat it might be bearable.
Having birds means you have to be aware of the temp. and drafts,so winterising is an absolute necessity.
This is Toni the Timneh african grey parrot. Toni has been here just over 2 yrs. Another rescue. He is in love with my wife and tolerates me but he is changing.

Saturday, October 01, 2005


Today,for the first time in a few years,I am alone in the house for the weekend.You would think I'd be happy,but oddly enough,I'm feeling rather sad.
It just seems empty
It is a good thing that my birds are here to talk to or I'd go nuts.
This is Paco,the goffin cockatoo.He is about 10 years old as near as I can tell.He came here as a series of odd coincidences about 3 years ago and has been an absolute lesson in what a bird can be like if given a chance.He is clever and a real escape artist.We have to use small padlocks on his cage because nothing else worked!
He is also the sweetest, most loving creature you could ever meet. BUT he will bite hard if he feels he is threatened,or if he is playing an gets to wound up.
I think with most birds it's not a matter of if you will get bitten,but rather how hard and where it is.
Time to feed the critters.