
Warped humor and twisted time along with birds

Location: Nova Scotia, Canada

Friday, October 14, 2005


Why is it that there are some people who make it impossible to maintain any level of sympathy for them?They will whine and moan about what is usually a real problem but refuse to take any steps to change the situation. For example,a friend with a bad back that refuses to see a Dr.because of a perceived wrong done by a physician 25 years ago. This is a really serious back problem that requires prompt attention but complaining seems to be as far as he will go to treat it.
Damned counter-productive if you ask me!
I just saw a short article abot prison conditions and just about lost it.They have t.v. in their cells,stereo's and just about anything they want---EXCUSE ME!! I thought prison by definition was a Punishment, not a holiday at the spa.If the administrators try to take away these priveliges,the cries of human rights violations rears it's ugly head.Well didn't they violate OUR rights when they committed their crimes?
It is about time the justice system started to make these people pay for there crimes,insted of catering to them.


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