
Warped humor and twisted time along with birds

Location: Nova Scotia, Canada

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


The sun came out for the first time in a week! It's been rainy and miserable for so long that I feel like I'm starting to mildew.It is remarkable that the weather has been the no. 1 topic of the news for the last 2 years-hurricanes,floods,earthquakes,tsunamis,volcanos and just about any other kind of geologic and weather disaster that can happen.Do you suppose that world governments just might start to put 2+2 together and notice that we are finally seeing what we have done to our planet? Not bloody likely!!-
Money and convenience will always win over common sense.
The recent outbreaks of avian flu are causing a tremendous amount of fear within the bird owner community.Can the powers that be really storm in and confiscate our beloved pet birds? These are creatures that NEVER get outside the house and never have contact with wild birds. For most of us, it is as distressing as losing a family member(sometimes more so).Common sense would tell us that there are exceptions to every situation.I guess time will tell .
Let's hope and pray that a vaccine will be found that is 100% effective. God help us all if not.


Blogger Zareba said...

I think I would have the birds in the car, peanut butter sandwiches packed and be half way to the middle of nowhere if I thought they might come for these wonderful little ones. Now all I need is directions to the middle of nowhere.

I also know you would be in the driver's seat, motor running and honking for me to hurry.


3:24 PM  

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