
Warped humor and twisted time along with birds

Location: Nova Scotia, Canada

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy New Year?

Last night Dec.30 my car decided to die.We were finishing up our new years shopping and had to make 1 more stop.Naturally I shut the car off,picked up the last few things and went back to the car- NO GO.
After trying for a while it became necessary to try and get home.At this point I called a friend(I thought) for a ride home.He was 5 mins. away but said he was to busy working on a computer to pick us up.At this point I called a friend who lives a mile away from us and although she NEVER drives at night or in town-she is 73,she said she would still come and get us.Fortunately a young friend was home and he drove her car to get us.
My so called friend called a few times after we got home--not in the mood to talk to him last night.
First thing this morning he called and instead of being concerned about the welfare of my ill wife he wanted to tell me about the computer problems he had last night.
It seems to me that the welfare of my friends is a good deal more important than an old computer.
It is disheartening to find that this friend is just another self centered moron. Oh well,life goes on.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


or how to alienate everybody.
There seem to be a large number of people that appear to have nothing better to do than try to force their religious views on the most important of Christian holidays.If we were to try and get any other group to change the icons of their religion to suit our views there would be an uproar of biblical proportions. Come on folks,we celebrate Christmas.You are free to celebrate any way You choose-or not-let us have our tree,Santa Claus,the nativity on our lawn and all the other trappings that go with Christmas.
I promise not to bother you when you observe your mid-winter celebration whatever it may be.
Although it may be politically correct right now,I will still continue to wish "Merry Christmas" not merry x-mas or happy holidays or whatever other foolish pc greeting that is popular this year.
So to one and all